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Boyd, Texas
El Santuario de Animales Salvajes - TEXAS
Nuestro Santuario ubicado en Texas es la instalación más nueva que se une a la red de instalaciones de rescate de The Wild Animal Sanctuary dentro de los Estados Unidos.
Este santuario de 41 acres es el hogar de más de 70 leones, tigres, osos, lobos y otros animales salvajes cautivos rescatados. La organización sin fines de lucro ha estado en funcionamiento desde 1988 y recientemente se unió a nuestro Santuario Principal en Colorado después de que el fundador original de Texas se jubilara.
Anteriormente conocido como Santuario Internacional de Animales Exóticos (IEAS) , desde entonces se ha convertido en parte de nuestra red de Santuarios Acreditados. En lugar de cerrar el santuario bien establecido, era mucho mejor para el bienestar de los residentes permanecer en su hogar establecido.
Para obtener más información sobre esta instalación, siga el enlace a continuación.
About TWAS
Now that all of the Texas animals are living in large natural habitats in Colorado, we will be closing this Texas facility by the end of the year.
Supporters of the Texas facility are always welcome to visit the animals in Colorado whenever they would like.
With one 10,000-acre facility located in southeast Colorado and known as The Wild Animal Refuge, as well as the other 1,500-acre facility near Keenesburg, CO (close to Denver) known as The Wild Animal Sanctuary - supporters now have two options to see the animals that previously lived here in Texas.
Being able to see the Cheetahs and other big cats being able to run freely within massive open spaces has been one of many great outcomes from the move. The Bears now have their very own 135-acre forested ​habitat complete with rock outcroppings and natural dens for winter hibernation.
Altogether, closing the Texas facility was the right thing to do on behalf of the animals, and many of the staff that worked at this facility are now moving to one of the Colorado facilities to continue helping animals far into the future!