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If you wish to access all of the audio files along the Walkway (to use your phone instead of the kiosks), please go to our main Audio Tour page.

Audio Kiosk #17

This Special-Use Enclosure

This area with the high fence is one of the original enclosures of the Sanctuary. Currently there is a melanistic or black Leopard living here who has indicated he prefers living on his own, rather than with other Leopards. The Sanctuary always does what is best for the animals, and if he wants to live alone, we'll naturally accommodate him. Keep in mind that male Leopards live a solitary existence in the wild, so his living by himself is not a problem. Before his rescue, “Jumanji” languished in an Ohio roadside zoo, where he was forced to endure freezing temperatures from lack of shelter, resulting in frost bite amongst other horrible health concerns. Yet, with world-class veterinary care and a specially-formulated diet, this stunning Leopard made a full recovery many years ago and has thrived here at the Sanctuary ever since.


Remember, Your Tour is Only Half Over

Keep in mind that your visit to the Sanctuary today is only half-over as you now have the nearly 1 ½-mile walk back to the Welcome Center. Be sure to take time resting or refreshing yourself here in the Snack Bar area if needed. There are wagons and wheelchairs available to rent if you have need for them to make your way back more enjoyable.  If so, please see one of the Snack Bar employees and they will be glad to assist you. 


Ways to Help the Animals

The Sanctuary is only able to exist and fulfill its mission of rescuing animals and educating the public because of support from people like you. There are many ways to help the animals. For a complete list you can visit our website, but some of the more common methods include adopting an animal or making a monthly pledge. Another option is to purchase items on the Sanctuary Wish List.


Hopefully by now you realize that having large carnivores in a captive situation is rarely good for the animals. Another way to help such animals is to never, ever pay to play with, or interact with, exotic or wild animals. Unfortunately, social media and the selfie craze have increased the demand for such activities that are harmful to these creatures. The animals here at the Sanctuary are the lucky ones. Many others, sadly, get euthanized, are locked away once they are no longer useful, or are used for breeding and producing more cubs. Many animals, after they are no longer able to be handled as cubs, get sold to individuals who are in no position to properly care for them which leads to lives of extreme misery. Being aware of this and educating family and friends about it can save countless numbers of animals in the future from living in such horrible situations.


Keep Looking for Animals

Just like your pets at home move about the house or yard throughout the day, so do the animals here at the Sanctuary.  Of course, many animals may still be resting where you saw them before, but feedings take place or other things happen that give them cause to move about. Be sure to keep looking in the shade underneath the walkway--especially if it’s warm out, as well as allow your eyes to focus in the distance to look for animals that are farther away. Guests who are more patient and take their time to search for animals typically have a better experience during their visit. But also, we believe that the Sanctuary is also a sanctuary for people.  While here, simply enjoy being in the country away from all of the noise and commotion of city living and whatever awaits you once you return home.  The animals here are definitely therapeutic and good for the soul, and this is their return gift to us.

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